DETAILS OF THE ORGANISATION: Organisation Name: Date Org. Established: Address: Post Code: Charity No.: Number of Paid Employees: Number of Volunteer Staff: Applicant First Name: Applicant Last Name: Address if Different: Position in Organisation: Telephone Number: Email Address: Signature of Applicant: PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ORDER TO SATISFY THEMSELVES THAT THEY ARE FOLLOWING THE GUIDANCE OF THE CHARITY COMMISSION THE TRUSTEES WILL FROM TIME TO TIME CARRY OUT AN AUDIT OF GRANTS THAT HAVE BEEN MADE. ANY GROUP RECEIVING A GRANT IN EXCESS OF £3000 MUST REPORT WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF RECEIPT SETTING OUT WHAT WAS ACHIEVED. Have you applied to Manchester Guardian Society before?:--None--Yes No If so when?: (If you have applied in the last 2 years then your application will be rejected.) Was your application successful?:--None--Yes No If yes, how much were you awarded?: Please give details of what you did with the money: How did this benefit residents of Greater Manchester?: Does your organisation have a Kings' Award for Voluntary Services?--None--Yes No Application in progress If not you may wish to look at OBJECTS OF ORGANISATION: Please summarise briefly the objects and purposes of your organisation: What is the grant requested for?: Grant amount requested: If the request for funding is not fully covered, then please indicate how the balance will befunded (If not relevant put N/A): If it is for a specific item, then please supply costings: Please supply a copy of your latest accountsIf accounts are not available please state the following:Latest annual income and expenditure of your organisation/group IncomeExpenditureSurplus/Deficit Approximate amount of current reserves: Accounts File Name: Supporting documents file name: Upload Files Here PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM AS ANY INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED